Australian Anglicans celebrating diversity, living with difference and striving to be faithful and loving..
We acknowledge the traditional custodians, ancestors and elders of the land on which we live.
We honour their voice, continuing culture and spiritual connection to land, sky, water and sea.

Why do we assume religion and science are in conflict?

Why do we assume religion and science are in conflict?

It often comes as a surprise that a large number of scientific discoveries were actually made by members of the clergy. Nicholas Copernicus (who put the sun at the centre of the solar system), Gr...

Social Responsibilities

Human Dignity for Those Released from Prison

Human Dignity for Those Released from Prison

At Brisbane Synod 2024, The Ven Bronwyn Pagram moved, with Dr Stephen Harrison seconding: That this Synod urges the State Gove...
Lamenting the horror of domestic and family violence

Lamenting the horror of domestic and family violence

The Anglican Church of Australia acknowledges and laments the violence suffered by our people and repents of the collusion, wilfu...
To Tend, To Transform, To Treasure: Sustainability and the Communion Forest

To Tend, To Transform, To Treasure: Sustainability and the Communion Forest

At Brisbane Synod 2024 The Rev'd Melissa Conway moved motions on the Anglican Communion Forest and Angligreen Sustainability Road...
Negative media reporting and young people

Negative media reporting and young people

The motion and speech were informed by recent work by Anglicare’s Research, Evaluation and Advocacy team, which can be found here...

Sexuality and Gender

Inclusion for Change: How dare you meet without us!

Inclusion for Change: How dare you meet without us!

There was a recent headline which told the world, a meeting to be held by the UN with the Taliban did not intend to include any w...
Religious Freedoms: Faith Invites, Not Excludes

Religious Freedoms: Faith Invites, Not Excludes

We are two Christians who believe that exemptions to our discrimination laws are not necessary to protect religious freedom. L...
We are beautiful ideas, not ideology

We are beautiful ideas, not ideology

So every dayI was surrounded by the beautiful crying forth of the ideas of God,one of which was you.       Mary Oliver, So Every ...
Forming an apology to LGBTIQA+ people

Forming an apology to LGBTIQA+ people

Mover's Speech from the Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt: In 2022 this Synod passed a resolution asking that DC facilitate a process f...

On the Way

On the Way: Power and God

On the Way: Power and God

Australian priest, teacher and author, Eleanor O’Donnell joins the podcast to talk about the way we understand power, hierarchy a...
Palestine: a humanitarian and ecological crisis

Palestine: a humanitarian and ecological crisis

With the UN reporting on acts of genocide in Gaza and the ongoing violent colonisation of multi-cultural, multi-religious and mul...
Domestic and Family Violence: Changing the narrative in the Church

Domestic and Family Violence: Changing the narrative in the Church

In Australia this year, one woman has been violently killed every four days. Increasingly we are aware of the way abusive behavio...
Indigenous Spirituality and a Grounded Faith

Indigenous Spirituality and a Grounded Faith

How does an Indigenous person express spirituality grounded in country in the wake of colonisation and the continued colonial nat...