A Christmas Affirmation

I believe in Christmas.
I believe in Christmas,
in Santa, sleighs, chimneys, and trees,
in candles, cake, and presents to please,
in children, snowflakes, and make-believe.

For beliefs are things we make.

I believe in making good,
building, fixing, and restoring good,
baking, sharing, and eating goodness,
with others, anybodies, all brimming
with pleasure, to be made joy.

I believe in giving to others,
meeting my needs by meeting others,
finding meaning in being with others,
whether odd even, uppity or down.

We are gifting our presence.

I believe in little being enough,
in the wisdom of children & animals,
in the generosity of the uninvited,
in the healing ways of the humbled,
in surprise,
in grace,
in You.

I believe in Christmas,
a baby’s birth a harbinger of hope,
and all the myths, magic, and impossibles,
needed to cure our violent world,
and swaddle it in love.

I believe in Christmas.