The National Comprehensive Anglicanism Network

NCAN (National Comprehensive Anglicanism Network) seeks to promote inclusive, generous and open-hearted Anglicanism. We value the rich traditions of Anglicanism, where differences are seen as gifts from God to be valued and treasured. We are committed to respectful conversations, across difference, about matters that are of importance in the Anglican Church of Australia.

NCAN (National Comprehensive Anglicanism Network) seeks to promote inclusive, generous and open-hearted Anglicanism. We value the rich traditions of Anglicanism, where differences are seen as gifts from God to be valued and treasured. We are committed to respectful conversations, across difference, about matters that are of importance in the Anglican Church of Australia.

We are currently working to publish our website and the first of our newsletters. We anticipate these will be launched in the coming months.

The website will provide more information about NCAN, news items and articles that you can read and share, and suggestions for ways that you can become involved in our work. There will also be a link to make donations online, and another for people to join our mailing list.

In the meantime, please feel free to forward this email to others you know who may be interested in hearing about and supporting NCAN, and let them know that they can email [email protected] to be placed on our mailing list.

Donations to NCAN’s work are greatly appreciated as we develop the necessary infrastructure and resources to grow our network. Donations may be securely made during this start-up phase via enquiries to [email protected].

Please share this information in pew sheets, newsletters, and in your networks, as widely as possible.

We’ve included below a link to an article exploring the subject of Anglican identity, written by one of our National Committee members, the Rev’d Dr Luke Hopkins, and published in this month’s ‘The Melbourne Anglican’. We hope you’ll find this article an encouragement and that it will help you gain more of a sense of NCAN’s values and aims.

Online version:

Flipbook version – see pages 16-17:

Thanks again for your interest in NCAN. We are grateful for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Anstey, NCAN Network Facilitator
Parish priest, St Theodore’s, Toorak Gardens, SA

on behalf of NCAN National Committee:

The Rt Rev’d Professor Stephen Pickard, Diocese of Canberra Goulburn (Chair)
The Rev’d Associate Professor Matthew Anstey, Diocese of Adelaide (Network Facilitator)
Jen Basham, Diocese of Brisbane
The Very Rev’d Katherine Bowyer, Diocese of Newcastle
Ms Elise Christian, Diocese of Sydney
The Rev’d Dr Daniel Dries, Diocese of Sydney
The Honorable Robert Fordham AM, Diocese of Gippsland
Associate Professor Jane Freemantle OAM, Dioceses of Melbourne and Wangaratta
The Rt Rev’d Jeremy Greaves, Diocese of Brisbane
The Rev’d Dr Luke Hopkins, Diocese of Melbourne
The Rev’d Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, Diocese of Melbourne
Dr Muriel Porter OAM, Diocese of Melbourne
The Rt Rev’d Sonia Roulston, Diocese of Newcastle
The Ven Canon Professor Peter Sandeman AM, Dioceses of Adelaide, Willochra and The Murray
Dr Carolyn Tan, Diocese of Perth