All The Hungry, All the Thirsty

Elizabeth Smith’s lyrics (Tune: Ode To Joy) with a new verse with an explicit “rainbow” focus.
Can be easily sung by any congregation that uses CCLI or OneLicence copyright systems.

1 All the hungry, all the thirsty,
all who look for strength may come,
all the needy, all the lonely,
all who long to find a home.
Here’s a door that’s always open,
here a table spread for all,
here a welcome, here a family,
here your heart can heed God’s call.

2 All the gifted, all the joyful,
all whose hope is strong, come too;
Come with overflowing blessings,
come with treasures old and new.
Here’s a task that needs those riches,
here good news is always heard,
here a living faith grows bolder,
here your voice can speak God’s word.

3 All the gifts of all God’s people,
all the struggles, all the pain,
all the Spirit-sent abundance,
all the grief and loss and gain—
brought together in one Body,
burdens lighten, joys increase,
and together we can ask for
Jesus’ strength and Jesus’ peace.

4 Each and every human person
is unique and welcome here.
All the rainbow shades of living –
grace-full, gentle, shining clear –
will be cherished, will be tended,
will be prayed for faithfully,
so that all may know they’re
loved in this community.

5 All God’s people, praise your Maker,
praise the one who called you here.
all disciples, praise your Teacher,
loving, leading, always near.
All you faithful, praise the Spirit,
lifting every heart to pray.
Praise the Holy One, who gives us
grace along the travellers’ way.

Words © Elizabeth J. Smith music: ODE TO JOY (TiS 698)
may be reproduced under OneLicence or CCLI