Jeremy Greaves

An address to Brisbane Pride Festival: We value your presence, we celebrate your gifts, we respect your lives.

An apology is just one step on a much longer journey of healing – it does not end the process we have started.  The work, we must do, to build some trust and credibility is to live into the apology in our churches, schools and other agencies: this will mean changes to behaviours, language and policies among other things. I know that we have much work to do.

People on the move: Archbishop’s address

We are not called to conform and to sit still, the people of God have always been a people on the move. As Dom Hélder Câmara said, “Pilgrim, when your ship long moored in harbor gives you the illusion of being a house; when your ship begins to put down roots in the stagnant water by the quay: put out to sea! Save your boat’s journeying soul and your own pilgrim soul, cost what it may.”

In all things, charity

“The truth is that, as I said at my welcome, I do not want this diocese to be labelled either a High Church diocese or a Low Church diocese. It is neither. It is a Church diocese. And if there be some, as I know there are, who reflect sadly that services are in several churches different from what they were thirty or forty years ago, I would ask them to remember that certain changes such as have occurred rather generally in England were bound to come here….Room must be found in our Church and in this diocese of our Church for those who are Anglo-Catholics and for those who would not like to call themselves so. There must be in essentials unity, in non-essentials diversity, in all things charity.”

Archbishop Sharp, Brisbane Synod 1924