Prayer for the Anglican Church of Australia

From the Rev’d Elizabeth Smith – Kalgoorlie, Diocese of Perth

We pray for the Anglican Church of Australia.
Holy Spirit, come and help our leaders and people
to continue in faithfulness to the Good News of Jesus Christ,
to open our hearts and our church doors to everyone,
and to be creative in our ministry in challenging times.
Whenever rainbow people, and their families and friends,
are finding faith and seeking your blessing,
may they be sure of finding it among us in this community.

We pray for the unity of your Church in all the world.
Give us grace to persevere in communion with one another
through differences of opinion on many matters.
Keep us true to the Good News of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.
Teach us to embrace with joy the diversity you keep on giving us:
women and men, old and young, gay and straight,
people of faith from every race and language and culture.
Show us the face of Jesus in every one of our neighbours.