Praying the Apology to the LGBTQIA+ Community

In offering the Anglican Church Southern Queensland Apology to LGBTQIA+ people at Pride Evensong 2024, the following prayers were offered.

Trusting in the one who names us, claims us, and calls us beloved, we pray for the church and all God’s wonderfully made children.

Holy God, you made us in your image, and called us good, yet there have been times when we have failed to love your image as expressed in people of diverse sexuality and gender. Where discrimination has divided us, may we lament. Where we have not embraced the identities of your rainbow children, may we repent. Inspire us to love one another the way you so deeply and completely love us.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

Holy God, you sent your Son to teach us how to live and love fully in this frail fresh, yet we have failed to honour the lives and bodies of our rainbow sisters and brothers. Where the church has engaged in hurtful behaviour and harmful practices, may we grieve. Where we have not stood up for the safety, rights and human dignity of our rainbow siblings, may we weep. Teach us delight for each of these created bodies as we are called to live in them, in all of their unique expressions of glory.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

Holy God, you call us to proclaim the breaking in of your kingdom among us, yet we have failed to welcome your rainbow children into your church. Where gender and sexuality-diverse people of faith have had to hide who they are in the house of God, may we amend our ways. Where families and friends have been hurt by our lack of care and recognition of those they love, may we seek forgiveness. Embolden us in our proclamation that the lives, loves, and gifts of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer people matter to you, and so matter to us.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

Holy God, the Christ has taught us that to love you is to love our neighbour as ourselves. We pray for those who need hope, for those who feel excluded, and for all who need to know they are worthy of love, acceptance, and celebration. Hasten us with affirming hearts and action to surround them with your wholehearted embrace.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

Holy God, we grieve for LGBTQIA+ siblings who have lost their lives to acts of hate, fear, exclusion and misunderstanding. We hold them in sacred memory.

We pause for a moment of silence.

Guide us, reconcile us, inspire us to live into a better story for all who live on. Encourage us under your loving gaze until that day when we, with all your wonderfully-made saints will meet you face to face.

God of grace, hear our prayer.

You can read the sermon here. You can watch the service below:

  • Prayers at 44:00
  • Archbishop’s sermon at: 56:47
  • The apology at: 1:11:25