Credo with Creation

This I believe.

Earth is our only home,
and every creature is our neighbour,
from the tiniest to the tallest,
from the greatest to the smallest,
and all the unnoticed between.

We are connected in our needs.
We are connected in our dreams.
We are connected through that which gives life.
We have more in common than we know,
whether here, there, above, or below.

Humans don’t have a monopoly on holiness.
The bird who sings, or flies in a flock overhead,
the animal who burrows, or roams in packs,
the insects, fish, trees, and rocks of the streambed,
all are sacred. And can teach us holiness.

When we stop and listen respectfully,
when we tend the earth and tread lightly,
when we know other creatures as kin,
when we honour the seas, air, and land,
we may hear the whisper of God.

This I believe.