Women Gender Equity and Leadership

Gender Disparity and the Leadership Experiences of Women

Over the course of its history the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn has been at the forefront of the extension of women’s ministry to the three orders of ordained ministry.. However, not all is as it should be or might have been expected. This report examines why levels of leadership among women in parish ministry have gone backwards despite this long-term commitment to their access and involvement in ministry as deacons, priests and bishops.

A menu of items shaping not only the contents of scripture, but the varied interpretations of them

To give a statistical reading of that context of persons actually named in the Bible, around 90% are men and 10% women. “The Hebrew Bible  mentions a total  of 1,426 names of which 1,315 are those of men. Thus only 111 women’s names appear, about 9% of the total. [1] Another study meticulously counted the number of words of actual speech in the bible. The result: Women-speak accounts for around 1.1% of the total spoken words in the Christian Bible. Other statistics:

* In John’s Gospel out of 27 people named, only 4 women are named.
* In Luke’s Gospel,no women are named in the genealogy of Jesus. Not even his mother!

Inclusion for Change: How dare you meet without us!

Choosing not to include those who are seeking to change the demons of inequality, exclusion, abuse, oppression, tyranny and power, means no change will occur. Such change will always require all parties to be involved and everyone to cede changes for which everyone can become invested and it must be worked through together with a shared vision. Otherwise, we will go on repeating what we’ve always done, with violence, and will get what we’ve always got, with violence, momentary peace that never lasts.

Being a Disturber of the Peace: On female power and powerlessness

“.. the liberating goal of all the woman theologies is not reached by simply integrating women into a society and a church where patriarchal structures, androcentric theory and privileging prevail as the norm.  This ‘add woman and stir’ recipe isn’t working, it has never worked and will not work while women are taught to disregard their gifts to try to fit into the male defined world.”