This Is a Song of Connection and Hope

“This song is of connection and hope, and weaves us together as home.” A creed by Glynn Cardy.

We believe we were created for love,
to give and receive love,
to build trust and friendships,
to encourage and empower people,
and form communities of the same.

We believe we were created to care
for the vulnerable, support the weakened,
and dismantle the structures of injustice,
discrimination and other wrongs,
so that all may share in life’s blessings.

We believe that love and care
are the heart-song of the earth,
that all creatures, lands, and waters long for.

This song is of connection and hope,
and weaves us together as home.

In this we find peace.
In this we find justice.
In this we find joy.
In this we find God.
In this we believe.


Glynn Cardy is Minister of religion at The Community of Saint Luke, New Zealand and author of A Book of Blessings and Love and Other Blessings via Coventry Press. Glynn’s new collection 500-word short stories is due for release toward the end of the year.